Sunday, March 31, 2024

Today March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility. This is what you should know


Today, transgender and non-binary people around the world commemorate International Transgender Day of Visibility .

This is what you should know.

How it began?

Transgender Day of Visibility was founded in 2009 by Rachel Crandall, a Michigan-based transgender activist and executive director of Transgender Michigan. It began as an awareness day to celebrate the successes of transgender and gender non-conforming people and is an important day for the LGBTQ community.

While Transgender Day of Remembrance is held every year on November 20 to commemorate transgender people who have lost their lives as a result of anti-transgender violence , Transgender Day of Visibility is a day dedicated to honor and empower the lives of transgender and non-binary people.

The day is celebrated annually on March 31.

The importance of transgender representation

This day illustrates the importance of transgender representation around the world, especially as transgender and gender non-conforming people face risks every day.

According to a 2021 Gallup poll, 11.3% of LGBT adults identify as transgender; However, when it comes to media representation, there are only 29 transgender characters in original primetime, cable and streaming broadcasts, according to the media advocacy organization GLAAD.

Why it matters: Recent surveys show that a quarter of people in the U.S. say they personally know someone who is transgender, meaning most Americans learn about the transgender community from what they see in entertainment media. Because of this, GLAAD says, it is imperative that entertainment media do a good job when addressing transgender stories.

How to be a good ally

Here are some ways to support the transgender community today:

Look for stories from transgender creators . Look for authentic stories and media that have been created by the transgender community, such as the Transgender Film Center, a nonprofit organization that supports transgender filmmakers and their projects.

Call your local LGBTQ center . See what kind of help they need, whether it's volunteering or offering a service you're good at.

Educate yourself. Allies can start by learning the basic terminology surrounding the transgender community. For example, people often confuse sexual orientation and gender identity. There are many places online that share tips on how to be a good ally.

Many transgender people are happy to talk about their experience, but allies should not always assume that is the case. There are so many resources available to help you if you want to learn more about the community and how to provide support.

Wanders Lover suffers from Asia Syndrome due to bad cosmetic surgery

 Yared Licona, known as "The Wanders Lover", was diagnosed with Asia Syndrome as a result of poorly performed cosmetic surgery, which has also caused other health problems.

The model and host explained through social networks that this condition developed because a doctor injected her with polymers "without warning."

"This message is to raise awareness, since currently we are so focused on the superficial that we undergo surgeries or treatments that could put our lives at risk," the famous woman said alongside a video from a hospital bed.

Licona added that by trusting a doctor to make changes to his body, he is now facing the syndrome "for the rest of my existence" and warned his followers to educate themselves properly before undergoing any operation.

"When you are going to undergo an operation, inform yourselves, say what you want and what you are not willing to authorize," he urged.

He also shared that the recovery process he is experiencing has been extremely difficult: "The pain and the process that I am experiencing now in my recovery is not easy at all," he concluded.

According to the "Argentine Society of Mastology", Asia Syndrome is an autoimmune or inflammatory reaction, attributed to a foreign substance in the body, which can develop after cosmetic or reconstructive surgery with breast implants.

"This syndrome begins to manifest when the body begins to show a series of symptoms that can be overlooked."

Can a hangover be avoided?

Free A Woman with a Hangover Touching Her Forehead Stock Photo

 A margarita by the pool, an ice-cold beer at a barbecue on a May holiday. You could say that summer is made for having a cold drink on a hot day. But why is drinking during the day any different? And is there any way to avoid a nighttime hangover ?

Perhaps not surprisingly, there have been no robust clinical trials evaluating the health effects of daytime alcohol consumption. But psychiatrists and alcohol experts say there are some unique factors that influence the difference between daytime drinking and nighttime drinking .

little control

At night, you may be more attentive to signs that it's time to stop, such as when dinner is over. But the novelty of having an alcoholic drink in the afternoon means people don't always control how much they consume, said Akhil Anand, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic .

If you drink throughout the day and aren't necessarily aware of where to get your next snack, it also makes sense that you don't have food in your stomach to help slow down the rate at which your body absorbs the alcohol, which means you're probably that you become more intoxicated in a shorter period of time .

It's hot

Drinking when it's sunny — especially in the summer — increases your chances of becoming dehydrated, and dehydration can intensify the effects of intoxication: You may feel fatigued, lightheaded, dizzy or simply out of control, said Sarah Andrews, associate professor of psychiatry and science. of Behavior at Johns Hopkins Medicine . On a sweaty day, you can lose more fluids than you replace, which means you also lose sodium and minerals that help your body function normally. And that's in addition to the dehydrating nature of alcohol itself, which acts as a diuretic and expels fluids from your body, causing you to urinate more frequently.

The hangover can come sooner

The sooner you start drinking, the sooner that feeling of hangover with dry mouth and headache will appear. brunch with mimosas can translate into a dinnertime hangover , said Danesh Alam, an addiction psychiatrist at Northwestern Medicine, although a hangover is more likely to start first thing the next morning, when your blood alcohol content is higher. has returned to zero. Because daytime drinking can be so dehydrating, hangover symptoms are likely to be worse, Anand said.

Five natural herbs to fight cold and flu

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The branch that is responsible for studying medicinal plants is Phytotherapy, and although home remedies and the use of herbs to treat various diseases have been replicated for years, every day we obtain more evidence in this regard that supports its use.

While this happens, it is good to remember that when opting for natural medicine, you should take into account if you suffer from special conditions that may cause allergies or consult directly with an expert.

As stated on the official website of the Mayo Clinic, there is nothing that cures the common cold, however there are some remedies that effectively help reduce some of its symptoms to avoid discomfort.

A cup of tea greatly benefits the body when you have the flu or a cold, as taking sips of hot liquid has a calming effect and helps relieve congestion by increasing the flow of mucus.

To treat the common cold naturally, some herbs turn out to be beneficial because they are rich in vitamins and compounds that promote health:


This plant is a great ally to reduce nasal congestion thanks to its expectorant effect that also helps treat cough.

María León and the difficult experience that drove her to become the woman she is today

María León knows that she shouldn't give up on anyone. (Photo by Adrián Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images) 

María León is a very talented woman. Whether as a singer or as an actress, the so-called Sergeant León always stands out in all the projects in which she participates. If that were not enough, she recently gave an interview in which she showed her emotional maturity, which can serve as an example.

The singer and dancer was invited to the 'Faisy Nights' program, where she talked about a little bit of everything: her career, where her nickname came from, what she did with her first check and a story that we want to highlight, a narcissistic relationship that made her understand the mistakes you were making with that person and will not repeat them again.

On TikTok, terms like “love bombing” and “narcissist” have become popular, as both millennials and centennials have become aware of these two mental disorders that occur recurrently in relationships, but what are they?

“Love bombing” is when a person showers you with compliments. He tells you that you are the best, that he wants you in his life and if that doesn't happen, he wouldn't know what to do. And no, there is nothing romantic about it, because according to psychologists, this is a tactic to covertly manipulate. You can identify it by abrupt personality changes or a lack of personal space; if it invades your space and does not respect your limits. Careful.

As for the “narcissist”, it is a personality disorder or mental illness in which the person has an unreasonable air of superiority. They always seek too much attention and admiration. They lack empathy and remain focused on themselves. They can intimidate you. , they do not give in when there are conflicts or they simply ignore your needs.

The type of cheese that will help you sleep better

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Cheeses are an essential component of the diet, offering a variety of flavors and textures, as well as beneficial nutrients. Among them, cottage cheese stands out for its high protein content and its potential to improve sleep quality.

Discover how this type of cheese is not only rich in protein, but can also improve the quality of your sleep, according to recent research. Learn more about its health benefits and how to incorporate it into your daily diet

What is cottage cheese?

Originating from pasteurized cow's milk curds, cottage cheese is renowned for its low calorie content and mild, versatile flavor. In addition to being an excellent source of calcium, it plays a crucial role in bone health and can contribute to the prevention of certain diseases, such as prostate cancer.

One of the highlights of cottage cheese is its notable protein content. According to the Healthline page, nutritionist Amy Richter explained that cheese contains 11 grams of protein per 100 grams, far exceeding the amount present in milk. Additionally, its nutritional profile includes a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

These are the 6 health benefits of ginger, according to studies

 Ginger is a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia and is one of the healthiest and most used spices on the planet, it belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and is closely related to turmeric, cardamom and galangal. The rhizome which is the underground part of the stem is the part that is usually used as a spice. If you want to know more about the health benefits of ginger, don't miss this note that we at EL UNIVERSAL have prepared for you.

Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger and is responsible for many of ginger's medicinal properties.

Ginger is not only simply a root that works well as a spice, this plant is also a superfood with proven benefits for human well-being, notes an article from Johns Hopkins University in the United States.

6 benefits of ginger for your body according to Johns Hopkins University

The composition of ginger explains why it is so well tolerated by the human body, especially because it benefits the digestive tract thanks to gingerol, a natural chemical component of the plant.

  • Some benefits include:
  • May help fight infections
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties
  • May help improve nausea
  • Improves menstrual pain
  • May help with weight loss
  • Improves chronic indigestion

Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger and is responsible for many of ginger's medicinal properties. Studies have shown that gingerol has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, for example, it can help reduce oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals in the body.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Miley Cyrus paid dearly for a Disney slip with one of her first hits

 Miley Cyrus owes her rise to stardom to Disney . Thanks to Hannah Montana , the 2006 Disney Channel series, the singer and actress made her vocal and acting talent known and earned the trust of the industry, leading to countless artistic opportunities, attracting a huge fan base and establishing herself. as one of the greatest talents on the musical scene. However, at the beginning of her career, she also suffered from some slip-up caused by the mouse company , such as a disqualification from the Grammy Awards .

It happened in 2009, when the Flowers or Wrecking Ball singer aroused passions with The Climb , one of the songs that were part of the soundtrack of Hannah Montana: The Movie, her jump to the cinema. Seeing the furor that the singer aroused, Disney did not settle for a routine product to bring the character to the big screen, but rather they made an effort to build a film that would highlight Miley's musical virtues and expand her legacy. For this reason, they decided to rely on established talent and adapt some of her work to this musical title.

This was the case of Taylor Swift , who in the wake of her meteoric career participated with her ballad Crazier and composed the song You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home with Martin Johnson from the group Boys Like Girls . Also from renowned country artists such as Jessi Alexander , who together with her composer Jon Maebe earned the respect of Disney with a ballad that, after some adaptation work, ended up becoming The Climb , which became established as the great song of the film and as one of the anthems of Miley Cyrus' career.

You just have to see that the song earned the respect of the music industry, something not easy considering that it comes from a product unlikely to be taken seriously like a Hannah Montana movie . However, the song resonated so deeply that even the Grammys nominated it in the category of Best Song for Film, Television or Other Media , which marked Miley Cyrus ' first candidacy for these renowned awards. But this story had a sad ending.