Sunday, December 31, 2023

3 natural infusions to cure hangovers and heartbreak during the holidays


After the festive Christmas celebrations or New Year's party, it is common to face the annoying symptoms of a hangover, an experience that can be challenging, especially after a breakup that is still haunting our emotions at the end of the year , but can be faced with a good infusion.

The "tusa", headaches, fatigue and dehydration are some of the most common side effects of overindulging in alcohol during the holidays. To counteract these discomforts, health professionals suggest three natural infusions that not only provide relief but also contribute to a faster and more balanced recovery.

What is "tusa" (heartbreak)?

Surely you had come across this term before, especially when at the end of 2019 Karol G and Nicki Minaj turned the song "tusa" into a worldwide hit. The word refers to the spite and sadness left by the end of a love relationship.

According to Dr. Blanca Rodríguez-Ayala, doctor and teacher at the University of Distance Education of Spain, these three infusions are especially recommended:

1. Rooibos

Rooibos, known for its beneficial properties, stands out as an effective ally to cope with the symptoms of gooseberry. Its ability to hydrate the body makes it a wise choice after excessive alcohol intake, thus counteracting dehydration, one of the common side effects of a hangover. Unlike red tea, rooibos contains no theine, making it a perfect option for those seeking relief without the side effects of stimulants, allowing the body to rehydrate naturally.

2. Ginger with lemon

Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and digestive properties, is positioned as an effective ally against hangovers. It not only relieves headaches, but also eliminates toxins and improves mood. Preparing a ginger infusion with lemon and honey is a simple and effective way to take advantage of these benefits. The spicy and refreshing combination provides an extra boost of energy, being easy to prepare and consume.

3. Mint and chamomile

Mint or chamomile infusions are classic and effective resources to combat hangover discomfort. Recommended even by our grandmothers, these infusions offer benefits especially when stomach pains are minimal. Integrating them into your post-holiday routine can be a wise and delicious choice to facilitate recovery and restore balance to the digestive system.

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