Today, transgender and non-binary people around the world commemorate International Transgender Day of Visibility .
This is what you should know.
How it began?
Transgender Day of Visibility was founded in 2009 by Rachel Crandall, a Michigan-based transgender activist and executive director of Transgender Michigan. It began as an awareness day to celebrate the successes of transgender and gender non-conforming people and is an important day for the LGBTQ community.
While Transgender Day of Remembrance is held every year on November 20 to commemorate transgender people who have lost their lives as a result of anti-transgender violence , Transgender Day of Visibility is a day dedicated to honor and empower the lives of transgender and non-binary people.
The day is celebrated annually on March 31.
The importance of transgender representation
This day illustrates the importance of transgender representation around the world, especially as transgender and gender non-conforming people face risks every day.
According to a 2021 Gallup poll, 11.3% of LGBT adults identify as transgender; However, when it comes to media representation, there are only 29 transgender characters in original primetime, cable and streaming broadcasts, according to the media advocacy organization GLAAD.
Why it matters: Recent surveys show that a quarter of people in the U.S. say they personally know someone who is transgender, meaning most Americans learn about the transgender community from what they see in entertainment media. Because of this, GLAAD says, it is imperative that entertainment media do a good job when addressing transgender stories.
How to be a good ally
Here are some ways to support the transgender community today:
Look for stories from transgender creators . Look for authentic stories and media that have been created by the transgender community, such as the Transgender Film Center, a nonprofit organization that supports transgender filmmakers and their projects.
Call your local LGBTQ center . See what kind of help they need, whether it's volunteering or offering a service you're good at.
Educate yourself. Allies can start by learning the basic terminology surrounding the transgender community. For example, people often confuse sexual orientation and gender identity. There are many places online that share tips on how to be a good ally.
Many transgender people are happy to talk about their experience, but allies should not always assume that is the case. There are so many resources available to help you if you want to learn more about the community and how to provide support.