Sunday, March 27, 2016

Egypt confirms that there are two hidden cameras in the tomb of Tutankhamen

Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, Mamdouh to Damati, explained that 90% are sure, but more are still needed scanners that will be held later this month

Hopes that the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities had put on the theories of Nicholas Reeves , who pointed to a hidden camera Tutankhamen's tomb , have not been disappointed. As confirmed Antiquities Minister Mamdouh El Damaty, the results of preliminary testing and Japanese radar show "90%" the presence of two cameras or hidden corridors behind the walls of the most famous burial chamber Egyptology .

A Howard Carter , who discovered the tomb of the boy pharaoh in 1922 and spent years researching nooks and crannies and study their treasures, they spent some cracks hidden under the painting one of the walls of the chamber. A straight cracks revealed that only a thorough scan of white light carried out by the Spanish publication Factum Arte .

second scanner

From the data, nanometric, collected by Factum, Reeves presented his theory: that wall was different from the others because it hid a camera behind her. And she added, the chamber would host the tomb of Nefertiti .

It remains to prove that is the beauty queen which rests in that chamber, but the Minister of Antiquities has already advanced a second scan is performed, this time the National Geographic , to corroborate these findings of Dr. Watanabe, an expert on radar and collaborator Reeves.

In the coming weeks, the Ministry will study the best place to make an incision, a hole, whereby we can sneak a camera and look into the adjoining room. The process should be very careful, because you will have to avoid causing any damage to the paintings of incalculable historic value as a tourist, chamber of the golden Tutankhamen .

For now, the Ministry of Tourism ahead of ABC that these cameras have detected various metal objects .

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