Thursday, December 3, 2015

Superman vs Batman launches an epic trailer with surprises and the debut of Wonder Woman

After witnessing the rivalry that live Batman and Superman in a first step of Dawn of Justice , it is time to enjoy a new epic trailer full of revelations that will leave more than one speechless. Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Doomsday and heads-most lethal face of the favorite heroes of cartoons of DC ... If you still were excited about the premiere of the film in March (it is likely that the arrival of Star Wars has stolen all your attention), with This trailer can not help it.

We knew that in ' Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice ', the hero of Krypton has become a kind of God after the events in 'Man of Steel' , although much of the planet wants to banish after the destruction caused by its guilt. One is Bruce Wayne begins to investigate "his colleague" unaware that Clark Kent is doing the same with his alter ego. In the trailer we discovered that after face to face, begins a struggle between the two fiercest only calms down with the arrival of a deadly enemy.
The first meeting of the two heroes with much ego
in advance, Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) is visiting Gotham in search of answers about the "vigilante bat" and who asks? When Bruce Wayne himself (Ben Affleck) causing a first meeting in which sparks fly! Batman's alter ego does not support the idea of a superhero alien because Gotham and he "have a long history of crazies dressed as clown." A moment filled with tension that portends the confrontation we were all waiting.

Lex Luthor, responsible for the catastrophe
Jesse Eisenberg appears giving life to the famous tycoon at the beginning of the trailer, being the umpire in that first encounter between Clark and Bruce. One surprise is that the character reminds Lex Gene Hackman, being in charge of bringing humour to the story. Luthor wants to create an anti-Superman and get it through one of his experiments creating a "demon" from the corpse of General Zod.

Doomsday, the villain of Superman fans fear
After months of rumours, the trailer confirms the presence of Doomsday, the same villain who killed Superman in the comics of the 90s in the film version is a monstrosity created by Lex Luthor using DNA of the deceased General Zod.

A beast with such power that Batman and Superman can not face it alone, but fortunately have an Amazon without fear.
The debut of the "trinity" of DC with Wonder Woman!
We knew that the Amazon of DC Comics would have a secondary role in the film before his solo debut in 2017, but until now had only seen a picture of her dancing in a gala with Bruce Wayne, knowing why, when or how it would join the team. And this trailer finally reveals what!

Amid the strife and destruction, Wonder Woman enters the story arc when the protagonists are faced with Doomsday. "Is it you?" Superman ask Batman, "I thought it was you," replied the Dark Knight.
Their coat is sufficient to protect the powers of Doomsday, becoming a key player for superheroes if they defeat the new villain. Gal Gadot appears as the true amazon comics in all its glory with the lasso of truth, the sword and its famous bulletproof bracelets.
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives in theaters on March 23, 2016 and judging by their pictures, can now understand why his budget would have increased to make it the most expensive film in history . Already says Lex Luthor in the trailer, we are facing "The best gladiator fight in the history of the world."

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