Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Idris Elba stay out of Thor 3 filter data

The actor Idris Elba leaked details of your scene in the movie 'The Avengers 2' from Joss Whedon. 

Something that caused a major upset in Marvel and especially the director. Now there is talk of his departure accurate study of the cinematic universe leaving the cast of 'Thor 3'.

    Around December he talked about filtering relevant data 'The Avengers 2' by Idris Elba. Before his presence was mentioned in the film or that any information, the British actor told, and verse was offered, everything about his presence in the film by Joss Whedon.Several British media revealed the alleged then Idris Elba intention of "getting rid of Marvel" ahead of upcoming projects in comic book adaptations. Such as rumors that associated to a role in the X-Men universe, in the 'X-Men Apocalypse tape, but eventually that course was not consolidated. 

    So with this approach and would be looking for a replacement for his character in ' Thor 3  Ragnarok '.Something that does not seem to pose a problem for Marvel, as already replaced two actors in its main cast. Also Kevin Feige, producer of Marvel and to coordinate everything related to movies, explained that his characters are not associated with any particular actors, performing a similarity with what happens with James Bond, which was recreated on film by various actors throughout his more than fifty years of existence. 

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