Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The man of the 86 wives dies in Nigeria at the age of 93

A Nigerian, known to have been forced to divorce 82 of his 86 wives by an Islamic court, died last Saturday at the age of 93, a family representative said Monday.

"Baba refused to take medication, which was how he lived, his family always remained intact, and his 86 women were close to him when he died," Salahu Bello

When he was jailed years ago, the 86 wives and 20 of his 170 children demonstrated to the traditional court of justice in Minna (state capital) to testify to their support. The case was finally annulled.

Muhamadu Bello Masaba "was extinguished Saturday at his home" in Niger state (central Nigeria), his relative added.

In 2008, an Islamic court that enforces strict sharia law (Islamic law, which is established in 12 Nigerian states) detained him for "ostentatious contempt for religious laws" and for "unlawful union with 86 wives" .

He was ordered to keep only four, according to Islam. But Masaba - whose nickname was Baba (Father) - rejected it, arguing that he had not violated any religious principle.

Salahu Bello stated that Bello Masaba had left behind an "inheritance of trust, compassion and submission to Allah".

"He died at the age of 93, and anyone at that age should stick to suffering health problems," the source explained.

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