Friday, August 14, 2015

An app for "lost" in the streets of Tokyo

The Akihabara Explorer application, created by a young Catalan developer, collects photos and information about one of the popular districts of the Japanese capital.

Tokyo is a city of cities. Many of its neighbourhoods are comparable alone to a big city where visitors can lose for days. Therefore, a young Catalan developer love with Japan, David Jaumandreu , decided to create a very complete application that wants to serve as a guide to discover that one of the most fascinating districts of the Japanese capital, Akihabara , the electronics paradise and video game stores and anime.

"When people visit Tokyo, Akihabara is a must but you rarely spend more than a day or tomorrow," explains Jaumandreu. With so little time, lost in the myriad of stores in streets, lost alleys or even on different floors of the buildings "is very easy." "Akihabara Explorer wants to make it easier to find what you are looking for," continues Jaumandreu, which for years visit the neighbourhood looking for a new game to his collection.

At first he started sharing information among friends who knew the sites, but then thought of taking her beyond her circle. Thus was born, after six years of dedication -in its Libres times and after several trips to Japan, Akihabara Explorer . The application allows you to search from over 500 stores filtering by types, from restaurants and shopping centers to "maid cafes" and shops where to find real treasures for collectors.

Akihabara Explorer is available in English only for now and for the iPhone - "the most widely used system in Japan" - but Jaumandreu wants to launch a version for Android and further develop and update the application "because some businesses are constantly changing."

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