Sexual fantasies are an essential part of the repertoire that contemplates our sexual behavior. They are completely human thoughts, which are part of the resources we use to explore our desires. And they arise in our minds to generate sensations and even make us feel better disposed to have a relationship.
Although it may be a taboo subject - like everything related to the enjoyment of sex - erotic fantasy nourishes our imagination, and our creative capacity, sometimes necessary to be able to disconnect from reality and get in tune for enjoyment.
Furthermore, among other benefits they have, erotic fantasies can be a tool to free us from stress, and they make us feel more active in relationships, more seductive, and are related to greater sexual enjoyment. In fact, there is research that demarcates the ages at which we have the most desire and willingness and fantasy is included as a revealing piece of information.
It is possible that this thought arises from external stimuli, such as movies for example, or from internal stimuli such as memories. However, it is worth noting that it is not about thinking about how to put our desire into practice, because then it would no longer be a fantasy . Therefore, it is worth asking ourselves what meaning they have, at least the most common ones, and what they say about our human needs.
Erotic fantasies are influenced by the historical and cultural context, so that, although they can meet individual needs and feed on the experience of For each person, its intensity and nature can change depending on the time and location . Therefore, they should not be considered as a definitive indicator for understanding a person's psychology.