Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Matthew Perry will not participate in the "gathering" of Friends on NBC

One of the  most talked about and celebrated news of the television week was the announcement by  NBC , a division meeting of  Friends.
The chain wants to make a special dedicated to one of the directors of comedy, James Burrows,  but ultimately will not be complete because one of the actors has announced that it will not be present.
Although  NBC  announced that "cost them all together", finally the special meeting would have a cast of  Friends, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer finally  Perry  has revealed through his representative He will not participate and apologizes for it.

Perry, who played Chandler Bing in the series, said through his representative  Lisa Kasteler  in an email Thursday that it would not attend the meeting in person. "Matthew did not attend because he is in  London  in the trials of his play which begins on February 2 at the Playhouse Theatre. Executives at  NBC  were aware of this before your ad in the TCA "wrote the representative.
But all hope is not lost as the representative said that the actor could record from  London  so their participation. Thus, Kasteler said "this is not the meeting that people have been waiting for."

Robert Kirkman talks about the "new world" is coming to The Walking Dead

The second half of the sixth season of  The Walking Dead  opens on February 14,  Robert Kirkman  gave some hints of what is to come.
If we remember the end of the first part of the sixth season,  Rick and his men tried to rush undead, and that is precisely what we will see in the first episode of the second half in which "Alexandria  was invaded by full, "says  Kirkman EW.

The latest chapter of "my hope"

The latest chapter of "my refuge". Ellipsis two years by Thomas (Mariano Martinez) and Esperanza (Lali Esposito) lives with her twin in full happiness.

 In fact, they move to their new home in the "Barrio Esperanza".

But fate has prepared them even more surprises! Everything will be shared with adorable nuns of the convent and Clara (Gabriela Toscano).

Lots of romance, music and color to close this beautiful love story.

Amores born dangers - '' The rich do not ask permission. "

While in prison who he is accused of being responsible for the crime of Angelica (Norma Aleandro) - Rafael (Rafael Castro) is visited by Julia (Gonzalez) ... and begin to dangerously close.

Meanwhile, Villalba brothers - Antonio (Juan Darthés), Augustine (Gonzalo Heredia) and Ana (Sabrina Garciarena) - suffer from unexplained early loss of his mother.

And Marcial (Luciano Caceres) begins to ramble dangerous experiments from lagoon water crossing stay "Santa Elena"

New promo for the second season of Empire

The chain  FOX  began promoting the return of the series Empire.

The series  picks up emissions from its second season next March 30 and we can see a preview.
Revenge is coming "is the title that has the promo in which among other things see the family as  Lyon  seems more distant than ever. Among other things we see as  Lucious  seems willing to do anything to prevent her young son  Hakeem  renounce family, but including an encounter that ends with the young man pointing to his father with a gun occurs.
At another point in the promo we see as  Cookie  she is with her ​​husband to cuddling in bed.
The second half will focus primarily on efforts by a new union of Lyon  to face an external enemy and its "regroupment to reclaim his company and his bond." as explained wing producer  Ilene Chaiken.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The 2016 Oscar nominations

Thursday the nominees for the Oscar Awards 2016 were revealed. 

In a broadcast from the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills event, filmmakers Guillermo del Toro and Ang Lee, the actor and director John Krasinski, and the president of the Academy, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, they announced what the films are competing for one statuette at the ceremony on 28 February.
The big bet of  Adam McKay
The bridge of the spies,  Steven Spielberg
Brooklyn,  John Crowley
Mad Max: Fury Road,  George Miller 
Mars,  Ridley Scott
The reborn  of  Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
The room,  Lenny Abrahamson 
Spotlight,  for  Thomas McCarthy

Sean Bean talks about the possibility of returning to Game of Thrones

On April 24, the chain  HBO  will premiere the sixth season of Game of Thrones and while some returns but will be confirmed, others however could occur and would be a surprise.
With rumours that the series recovers the character of Ned Stark and l Actor  Sean Bean (now head of The Frankenstein Chronicles) referred the matter in an interview with host Larry King.
Remembering the fifth season of  Game of Thrones , it was first introduced flashbacks (with one dedicated to  Cersei ) so that this resource could be reused for the sixth season. Knowing that the series will return to have the character of  Bran Stark, rumoured if it is possible that in a flashback of this character could be the return of his father, who died at the end of the first season.
Bean noted in his interview that his return is "uncertain" if you consider that he's dead, but added that if they use the flashbacks is aware that  Ned Stark  could return even know if you would like him or perhaps a younger actor (considering that at the time it was rumoured that the series could end up having a prequel).
On the other hand, and regardless of flashbacks we know that may  Bran Stark use his supernatural ability to see past Poniente and many sources say that a scene was filmed at the Tower of Joy, where it is assumed that  Ned  plays an important role . However, Sean Bean  said that if true, no one has contacted him to film the sequence.

Comes the trailer for One Hundred Years of Forgiveness with Rodrigo de la Serna

Hundred Years of Forgiveness  (Daniel Calparsoro, 2016), a seemingly action thriller which has just released its  second trailer with the final poster that promoted. 

The plot, such as advances  official synopsis , start a rainy morning when six armed men will storm the headquarters of a Valencian bank. What at first was going to be a  quick and clean theft , it will be complicated with the passage of minutes. And it is that the leaders, the  Uruguayan  and  Gallego , seem to have other plans than initially forecast.
Daniel Calparsoro , with extensive filmography behind him, directs this film with a script by Jorge Guerrica Echevarria. More encouraging is the cast, which will feature names like  Raul Arevalo , Jose Coronado ,  Patricia Vico ,  Rodrigo de la Serna  and said  Luis Tosar . Hundred Years of Forgiveness will premiere  March 4  along with the " Trumbo "Bryan Cranston.