Sunday, December 31, 2023

The benefit of sex against aging, according to science


It is known that, fortunately, sex is much more than the act intended solely for the preservation of the human species. It has long been known that it is pleasure, it is connection, and also that it provides many benefits to mental and physical health.

In short, in terms of physical health, sexual relations keep us in good shape. Although they do not count as an exercise routine, they help us maintain and optimize flexibility, promote cardiovascular health and blood circulation.

Furthermore, during the sexual act, endorphins and other neurotransmitters are released, substances that act as analgesics produced by our own body, and provide a feeling of great well-being and happiness. In this way, sex practiced safely and consensually also helps to deal with stress and anxiety. Also, in this emotional sense, it improves self-esteem, makes us feel good about ourselves and, as if that were not enough, strengthens the emotional connections and intimacy of life in the relationship, even when only masturbation is practiced as a couple.

But this list of benefits is completed with another very interesting factor: sex is an infallible method to delay aging and this was shown by a study published in the scientific journal Psychoneuroendocrinology , where it was concluded that “ a greater quality of the relationship and "Presence of sexual intimacy would be associated with greater telomere length and lower telomerase activity."

Telomerase is the enzyme responsible for maintaining telomere length, and telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from fraying or tangling. Each time a cell divides, telomeres become slightly shorter.

So, what interests us most, those of us who are not scientists, is that telomeres  are like a protective film for DNA and the longer the better because they are maintaining an essential part of the body's structures, which implies slower aging.

Over time, telomeres become shorter with cell division and bad habits such as excessive alcohol consumption and poor diet, which accelerates their wear and tear and with this study it was found that sexual relations can benefit that protection, which protects the cells for longer , and consequently, delays aging.

An interesting fact mentioned in the study is that telomeres tend to be shorter with chronic stress, and longer with more positive health behaviors. Furthermore, although few studies have analyzed how social relationships influence this length, here the quality indices of the relationship were analyzed, that is, satisfaction with the relationship and its positive or negative interactions; and sexual intimacy . While relationship quality indices were not associated with significant outcomes, sexual intimacy was.

The study was carried out with 129 healthy women, married or with a stable partner, and mothers, with which the objective was to demonstrate the hypothesis raised in women who were under stress and suggests continuing to delve deeper with more research, but does not specify the number of sessions of sex with which results were observed.

Before mentioning numbers, it can be said that what is truly important is the intimate connection of the couple, that satisfactory relationships are carried out, but in any case, a study published in 2015 and which was developed with more than 30,000 individuals over 40 years, showed that there was no great difference in terms of happiness and benefits that sexual relations provide, between couples who had sex more than once a week, and those who only They did it once.

It is worth saying that although there is little research in this regard, Psychoneuroendocrinology points out that "social support and positive relationships can reduce the rate of telomere wear", which is why it is worth focusing not only on maintaining good and frequent relationships. sexual, but also good friendships, since these relationships also contribute powerfully to delaying aging and maintaining good health.

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