Monday, April 18, 2016

The writer Maria Corbacho opens its pantry eating healthy diet

The young writer Maria Corbacho knows firsthand the effort it takes to start a new life, something she had to do for health problems and forced her to lose weight 50 kilos, and therefore opens its pantry to look for solutions but lack motivation to find them.

It was a comment of his nephew about his physical prompting Mary to realize that something was wrong. "I thought I had no problem," he recalls in an interview with Efe, but the mirror did not seem to reflect the same and the change of chip in his mind led her to lose weight 50 kilos in three years, an experience reflected in his first job "click and live healthy!".

Corbacho (Zaragoza, 1991) presented this week in La Coruna his second book "Click and healthy cuisine!", Which shows a series of recipes made herself necessary divided into five meals a day.

In addition, the book includes a map of restaurants and shops to eat and buy healthy foods throughout Spain.

"If your mind is sick and your body healthy is not worth anything," says Maria, is that for her the most important thing is mental health and ability to overcome each person has.

Why it has raised this second job as a "personal challenge" which convey to those who use it how important it is not to give up and believe in yourself.

According to Maria, "continue to nurture our motivation and our minds" is one of the most important issues on which his book is developed premises, since it is a turning point to think and rethink what you're doing and what you want to do with your Health.

"I feel I need to keep helping people get out of that hole" and it says, "I open my pantry, explaining that the effort you put in today will be what you pick up tomorrow."

In the pages of "Click and cooking healthy!" are recipes of all kinds, since for Corbacho "want to lose weight does not mean having to deprive yourself of what makes you happy."

It is simply a matter of rationalizing and not to overdo it because he warns, "patience can play tricks on us and create anxiety."

As an example of overcoming also wants to continue offering advice through their recipes and stresses that "throwing in the towel is not worth it." She did not and now is considered a healthy and happy woman, something he wants to continue to support all those fans who daily asked about where to start to get it.

Mary is aware that this is only the beginning and that "there is no greater reward" that help those in need. This is the main reason for their work, to convey their experiences and contribute their knowledge, and also believes "this book is helpful for those people who do not know how to start."

In the near future intends to be registered dietitian and participate in workshops on healthy cooking and motivation, while continuing his blog, "the beginning of everything" because "whatever is good for me and for others it will consider for my future".

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