Thursday, January 14, 2016

Charlie Sheen: "AIDS has brought me back to my father"

The controversial actor Charlie Sheen recently confessed that he was HIV positive and that has changed her life for the better, at least as far as his relationship with his father is concerned. Charlie and Martin are back together, or rather, they are more than ever.

 Charlie has always been a man of excesses that have lived life to the fullest and has risked many times. His flirtations with drugs and alcohol separated him from a reality in which he was his own father, Martin Sheen.

In this hectic life there was room for parties and women but not for a family. So Martin was lagging behind until virtually broke his parental relationship. But it is never late and Charlie realizes how much he needs his father now that his life is more relaxed.

During an interview with Dr. Oz, the actor said: "The AIDS diagnosis has changed my relationship with my father is now very different. We are more friends than ever. We do not judge, great time when we are, obviously we do not agree on everything but that's normal, as in all families. "

And the artist went on: "What I can say is that I was lucky to have him as a father."

But despite being happy to reconnect with his father, does not think so starting a family: "I'm no good for that, I've been married three times and all have failed. Imagine that drugs do not help. Denise and Brooke are doing great with my children as best they can. Haberles of you had to them is the only thing that ever regret it and, as far as they are two excellent mothers. "

It seems that HIV has calmed down a lot of wild accusations uttered Sheen about his ex-wives and that's appreciated. No one deserves this disease but Charlie is taking with positivity and is learning a lot about life 'thank you' to their condition.

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